At Memento Exclusives, we use a Near Field Communications (NFC) authentication programme across all our brands.

Our fast-expanding memorabilia portfolio which includes F1 Authentics, UFC Collectibles, Anthony Joshua and Le Mans will see NFC chips applied to all new memorabilia and signed merchandise items.

Our NFCs ensure authenticity and enable the purchaser to officially register their ownership.
Follow the steps below to authenticate your official memorabilia…

- Locate the unique authenticity hologram on your product or certificate supplied.
- Unlock your iPhone or Android mobile device and hover its top edge over your product until it detects the NFC chip within. The location of this chip can vary but tends to be behind the centrepiece of your product, for example behind your piece of canvas or behind your event used clothing - unless otherwise stated.
- Once it has been detected, the NFC will invite you to visit a link that is both unique and secure. Please note that older mobile devices may require an NFC app to be downloaded. If your device does not pick up the chip, this may be the case.
- Follow the online instructions, inserting the serial number, that is found on either hologram, along with all other required information.
- Once complete, keep your card certificate and paperwork safe.